
Ark Mail App Combines the Best Features of Mailbox and Rapportive for IOS and Android

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Sep 13, 2013

I’ve always been a bit skeptical of the buzz surrounding mobile sourcing. Why would I source with a mobile device when I could have a laptop or desktop with multiple screens open? How often would I really need to source on a train or at an airport? The creators of the people search engine Ark have released a new app that is helping me see the potential.

Ark Mail is a new app that combines the best of Mailbox and Rapportive. Users can easily manage their inbox from their mobile device, while also being able to learn more about who they are communicating with. So, the perfect candidate replies to you, you can now see all of their social network profiles, and who they are connected with. A word of caution: this could be addictive.

Getting Started 

  • Download the app for IOS or Android (UPDATE: Android is no longer supported… see the tweet below)
  •  Sign in with a Yahoo, Aol, Gmail or Google Apps email account
ark mail


  • Learn more about the people you are communicating with
  • Perform batch actions to keep your inbox under control
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Read more about Ark and their history in this TechCrunch post.

UPDATE: The founder tweeted that they will no longer be supporting Android.