
Ask the Sourcing Dude and Dudette: Sourcing Screening Questions

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Jul 11, 2011

We haven’t done any ‘Ask the Sourcing Dude’ posts in a couple years because, frankly, we weren’t getting any formal requests. However, I just received one in my inbox not too long ago and wanted to share it with the SourceCon community. Note: I was never the ‘Sourcing Dude,’ nor will I reveal who the Sourcing Dude (and Dudette) were, but you can probably guess…

To refresh your memory, ‘SourceCon’ used to be ‘The Source Newsletter,’ and we used to put it out in PDF format once a month. Included each month was a question from the community answered by The Sourcing Dude, and later, also The Sourcing Dudette:

We’ve enlisted the help of the Master Sourcers themselves, The Sourcing Dude and the Sourcing Dudette, to answer some questions that are at the forefront of many of our minds. In each issue of The Source, they will respond to some of these questions.

If you have a pressing issue you’d like the Sourcing Dude and Dudette to answer, please email us and we will bring it to the SourceCon shrine for consideration.

I propose returning The Sourcing Dude, at least as a concept, to SourceCon. Therefore, if you have a pressing sourcing question, click on that link above and submit it.

Remember the shirts we gave away in DC? They said “I Am #SourceCon.” Now’s your chance to prove it! We’ll put questions asked to the community for answers.

The latest inquiry comes from a Talent Sourcer who works in the Oil and Gas industry:

I have been tasked with designing a set of questions used to “Screen In” (versus Screen out ex: for duties, location, future goals) candidates for our current recruiting process, and I would like your input.

I obviously work in Oil and Gas, but I am working to create a document which will be utilized by several disciplines.

I would like to know of a Source of questions based on a Socratic Method, which will reveal information about the candidate, and will in a step-by-step manner add to the Sourcer’s knowledge of their organization and discipline, to be passed on to members of management.

I would appreciate any help in this.


If you have suggestions for this individual, please share them in the comments below.