
Get Ready to Rock the Boat with Me by @TheRobMcIntosh

Jan 26, 2015
This article is part of a series called News & Trends.
Rob and SourceCon Editor, Jeremy Roberts, at SourceCon Atlanta 2014

Dear Colleagues,

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Rob McIntosh, and I am the new Chief Analyst with ERE Media (which includes ERE, SourceCon, TLNT, and The Fordyce Letter).  I have been a sourcing and recruiting leader for more than 18 years (covering 30+ countries), most recently as head of Talent Acquisition with McKesson. Some of you might be scratching your heads wondering . . . why would a guy trade corporate life with the likes of McKesson, Avanade, Deloitte, and Microsoft to join ERE Media as its Chief Analyst.  Quite simply, I wanted the opportunity to influence, change, and improve the HR and recruiting professions.  One of my biggest passions that has me leaping out of bed in the morning is helping others in our profession grow and develop. When I was approached by Ron Mester, ERE Media’s CEO, with the proposition to do this on a global scale for our profession and expand services beyond ERE’s traditionally strong conference and media assets, how could I refuse?

My agenda at ERE Media is quite simple:  deliver information, ideas, and support that enable recruiting, sourcing, and HR professionals do their jobs better and build competitive advantage for their organizations.

So what, Rob, you are probably saying to yourselves at this point, does that have to do with me?

Well, I’m going to need your help.  In my opinion there is nothing more credible than hearing from someone else who has walked a mile in your shoes as both an individual contributor and corporate leader. When I’ve been successful it was often a direct result of listening and applying nuggets of great suggestions from other practitioners like you.    I will always be willing to share what I’ve learned with you, and I hope you’ll do the same with me and each other.

In fact, let’s go beyond that.   Let’s challenge each other. Let’s challenge our profession. Let’s challenge ourselves to come up with new and better solutions to old problems.  Let’s challenge ourselves to convince leaders to make serious investments in talent initiatives that will produce impressive results.  I’ll share how I’ve made that happen.  I hope you will too.

So stay tuned, as I plan on rocking the boat and maybe occasionally tipping it over.  I plan on asking the big questions. I plan on suggesting the big ideas. I plan on looking at the absurd and wondering if it is absurd at all.  And hopefully all of this with your help.

I am also here to listen, assist, answer questions, inform, and build a community of like- minded professionals.  So feel free to reach out to me directly at  I look forward to meeting you at SourceCon, March 24-25, 2015 in Seattle, and at the ERE Recruiting Conference, April 27-29, 2015 in San Diego.

Warm regards,


Rob McIntosh

This article is part of a series called News & Trends.