
It’s Not Too Late to Revamp Your Sourcing Strategies

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Mar 25, 2013

As organizations struggle to find qualified talent for their open positions, many blame these challenges on the perceived global talent shortage. It is important to keep in mind that there are still plenty of skilled candidates out there; the problem is that many companies don’t have the right sourcing strategy in place to find them. However, posting job positions on an increasing amount of job boards and social media pages will only get more candidates, not necessarily the right ones.

Instead, companies can benefit from taking the time to rethink their sourcing strategies and figure out how they can be enhanced throughout 2013. As we’re still in the first quarter of 2013, it’s not too late for organizations to evaluate their processes and shortcomings, and develop new strategies to ensure they find the right candidates for this year, and well into the future.

How can they accomplish this? One thing is for sure – using the same strategies that they have always used will just bring about the same results. Instead, HR teams need to take the time to brainstorm and come up with new ways to improve talent acquisition. By looking at their current processes and technologies used, and finding how those issues can be reimagined, the company can enhance its sourcing strategies and find the right people for their organization. Such a discussion should focus on some key factors that have the greatest impact on a company’s sourcing success:

Job Distribution

The right technology solutions can enable a company to ensure it distributes its jobs to the right audience. Yet, if a company doesn’t use the technology effectively, or uses the wrong one, it will be unable to connect with the qualified individuals who can be most successful in their organization. Investing in a solution that monitors where and how job postings are distributed will give employers the data needed to understand which methods are most effective in attracting top candidates. This way, the company can continue to focus its efforts on the sourcing avenues that bring in the best talent.

Internal Processes

Sometimes, a company’s challenge in finding talent is due its own processes, which can be outdated or otherwise limit the company’s effectiveness in sourcing candidates. A good way to get the ball rolling and encourage new ways of thinking about sourcing is to ask each stakeholder what they would do if they had a clean slate and could start the talent acquisition process from scratch. Rather than limit the discussion to embracing new technology, the conversation should be about rethinking how certain parts of the talent lifecycle can be reinvented to improve the way the company finds the best new employees.

Candidate Experience

Providing talent with a positive, transparent and user-friendly candidate experience is essential to attracting candidates. A negative candidate experience will turn top candidates away, who may then vent their frustrations online and further impede the company’s ability to source top talent. There are a number of ways to improve the candidate experience and ensure that your best applicants won’t abandon their application or avoid the company due to bad reviews. For instance, utilizing video interviewing technology that enables candidates to record themselves answering predetermined questions, creates an easier and more engaging application process. It also enhances the candidate experience by eliminating the hassle of traveling to the interview location.

Employment branding

Sourcing talent is more than just making the particular job opening attractive, it also entails promoting the unique employer brand. If the company can convey its work culture and values along with the job description and requirements, it can ensure that the right people apply to its positions. Including pictures or videos of the office and its employees can help in showing the unique environment of the company, and including a mission statement or other details can also ensure candidates know more as much as possible before they apply. At the same time, highlighting the employer brand can garner more interest in the company, and applicants who aren’t right for the job posted can remain engaged with the company and look out for future openings that better meet their qualifications.

Increasingly, an organization’s employees serve as a key differentiator and provide significant competitive advantage. By attracting the right individuals to apply and join the company, it can benefit from new ideas, increase operational efficiencies, and ensure its long-term sustainability. But to get to that point, HR needs to be more proactive in attracting top candidates, rather than reacting to changing conditions. So, go ahead and meet with your team about what you can do to enhance your company’s sourcing strategies – it’s still not too late!