
SourceCon 2011 Challenge #2: Red Herrings and Hidden Gems

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Sep 1, 2011
This article is part of a series called Q/A.

It’s here. You’ve waited for it, and it’s finally here.

I’m talking about football season! What, did you think I meant something else?

Just kidding. The 2nd SourceCon Challenge of 2011 commences today — right here, right now. And like the last one, you couldn’t predict what this Challenge would be like.

So get ready — this Challenge is going to stretch you to your limits.

Let’s first review what’s at stake.

The Reward:

The first person to successfully complete the following Challenge will receive one (1) free complimentary pass to attend SourceCon in Silicon Valley, October 12-14. He/she will also be provided travel and hotel accommodations and be eligible to participate in the SourceCon GrandMaster Sourcing Championship to take place during the conference.

The Small Print:

  1. Travel includes one (1) round-trip coach airline ticket to be booked through our travel agency and valued at up to $400 including taxes and fees. Hotel accommodations include one night, room and tax, at the hotel where staff and speakers are staying for the event. Additional nights can be arranged, on your own, at a discounted rate.
  2. Only one (1) person may win. You are welcome to tackle the Challenge in groups but only one individual from your group will be eligible to win. It is up to you to decide who that is.
  3. Prizes are non-transferrable.

The Challenge:

This is a scavenger hunt. You are going to want to keep track of your steps along the way with this Challenge, because at crucial points, you’re going to have to provide evidence of your findings.

Your starting clue is this: Glen Cathey has shared a lot of thoughtful search processes over the last couple of years. To begin Challenge #2, look into some of his recent lessons to find a clue for how to get going.

Helpful hint: don’t bother Glen for hints or assistance – he can’t help you with this Challenge. In fact, there isn’t a sourcer out there who will be able to help you. You must rely on your own research skills – and you’ll be using both Internet and telephone for this Challenge.

Good luck!

This article is part of a series called Q/A.