
Take the 2015 ‘State of Sourcing’ Survey

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Aug 12, 2015

It’s become an annual tradition for us to conduct a survey of talent acquisition professionals to get a clear picture of the current “State of Sourcing.” With that in mind, it’s time to launch the 2015 survey.

Complete the State of Sourcing 2015 Survey

What will we learn from the survey?

  • What tools are people using?
  • How are organizations structuring their sourcing teams?
  • How are sourcers and recruiters compensated?
  • How are sourcers and recruiters measured at different organizations?

Who should take the survey?

Anyone who sources candidates or leads a talent acquisition team should participate in the survey.

How long will it take?

The questions are different depending on the job title you select. Leaders should plan on spending no more than 5 minutes. Sourcers and recruiters should be able to complete the survey in less than 10 minutes.

Will I have access to the information?

We will share the information we gather with the entire talent acquisition community after we have time to crunch the numbers. The results will be discussed live at SourceCon,September 1718, 2015 in Dallas, TX and then shared on the blog for our readers.

The more who participate, the better the data. Please share the survey with your networks and watch for the results!

Thanks in advance for your help!

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