
The Unofficial Advanced Search Engine for Facebook by @TechCyndy

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Jan 7, 2016

searchisbackIn response to the question, “Why doesn’t Facebook make it easy to find things we put on the site?,” filmmaker Michael Morgenstern developed an “unofficial advanced search engine for Facebook.”

Using drop down menus and text fields, Search is Back allows you to easily search Facebook profiles, events, posts and shares, and photos. When you use the tool, the search will open a new browser tab and results will be shown in Facebook.

Commonly used fields in sourcing are available, such as location, current or former company, school, job title, language spoken, and interests.

If you’re looking for a certain level of experience, you might also try the Year Born field. I also used the From: field, to identify candidates who may be interested in relocating back to their hometown.

For more information, visit

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