
How To Make Meetings More Efficient

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Apr 22, 2011
This article is part of a series called Editor's Pick.

You’re sitting in a(nother) meeting. You’re getting antsy because you have prospects to source, lists to scour, people to research, and competitive intel to gather. “Why are we having this meeting,” you ask yourself, “Is there some way we can shorten these meetings so I can get back to sourcing?”

Why yes… there is. And it’s called “The Slightly Uncomfortable Chair Collection.”

The Slightly Uncomfortable Chair Collection was a project spearheaded by Louis-Thomas Pelletier, formerly a creative director for Sid Lee, a creative agency with offices in Montréal, Amsterdam, Paris, and Toronto. Pelletier realized he was spending a lot of time in meetings, which made him think: for maximum efficiency of time spent in a meeting, remove the element of comfort from the seating.

Granted, these chairs are sort of ‘goofs,’ but as you can tell by the designs, you know they’d keep meetings quite short! Just take a look at the various models:

As silly as these chairs are, it certainly raises a good point: how necessary are the meetings you are either conducting or sitting through? If you’re the boss, are your meetings adding value, or taking precious time away from your sourcers doing what they do best? What are you doing to keep your meetings as streamlined and efficient as possible (aside, of course, from making the seating arrangements so uncomfortable that you can’t stand to be seated for more than five minutes)?

Share your thoughts in the comments — we’re looking forward to hearing your ideas!

This article is part of a series called Editor's Pick.
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