
LinkedIn Update Provides Insight Into Who Views Your Shared Content

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Jun 27, 2013

Caroline Gaffney, Product Lead at Linkedin, announced yesterday that LinkedIn will be sharing insights into who views content that users share as updates. This will be a useful feature for sourcers and recruiters that share content for their target audience. Now, instead of sharing information and waiting for candidates to react, sourcers can see who views the content, then proactively reach out to them. 

LinkedIn is also adding a new feature that allows users to retrace their steps by providing a list of recently visited profiles.

In full disclosure, my account still doesn’t have access to these updates. Have the new features shown up in your account yet? How can sourcers and recruiters take advantage of these new features?

LI you-recently-viewed

For more information about sourcing candidates on LinkedIn see these recent SourceCon posts:

Sourcing Hacks to View 3rd Degree and Out of Network Profiles on LinkedIn
Cross-Reference Candidates on LinkedIn With This FREE Tool for Sourcers and Recruiters
If You Think Everyone Is Sourcing LinkedIn, You’re Right