
The 2018 Spring Anonymous Track – A #SourceCon Royale Preview

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Feb 22, 2018

Are you ready to supercharge your sourcing to the next level? The Anonymous Track is going to be full of tips, tricks, and tools to really improve your sourcing game – it’s one of my favorite parts of SourceCon! All Anonymous Track sessions are designed for experienced sourcing and recruiting leaders, and it’s a fantastic feeling to jump right into deep discussions of some of the hardest challenges in sourcing. Here are the five absolutely jam-packed sessions.

The watchword of the week will be data for sure – every single session will focus on what you can do with the information you can gather to improve your sourcing, recruiting, and marketing.

First off, Susanna Frazier’s Candidate Personas, Where Research Meets Marketing is set to be amazing. Susanna’s going to blow our minds with some of the best tools and strategies out there to help you take a new approach to understanding, attracting, and engaging your target audience. #SourceSmart

Then Randy Bailey is going to teach us all how to Think Like A GrandMaster to Beat the Machine! I personally can’t wait for this session, since I’m expecting some truly amazing tips and best practices for what to do when the data you have doesn’t tell you quite as much as it could – or when it might even be overwhelming. It’s sure to be worthwhile!

Closing out Tuesday will be Mike Chuidian’s session, May Day, May Day! LinkedIn Down! Your Sourcing Strategy Sans LinkedIn. LinkedIn is often the elephant in the room – still useful enough that there’s a ton of value within it, but it’s certainly not the only place where we can find talented folks. I can’t wait to hear Mike’s take on how to source without LinkedIn; it’s definitely going to be mind-blowing.

Wednesday’s sessions are also going to be can’t-miss amazing! I can’t wait for Greg Hawkes’s Breaking the Vault session on Sourcing Tools (which he already gave us a little bit of a sneak preview of here). Greg’s already shared so much with his HR Sourcing Toolbox, so I can’t wait to see what comes next at SourceCon Vegas.

Finally, Kevin Walters will close out the whole conference with what promises to be an amazing session called Skin in the Game: Betting on Diversity. Kevin’s session will cover ways of attracting, nurturing, and retaining diverse talent, and cover strategies for overcoming objections from hiring partners and how to adjust your sourcing strategy with diversity in mind. It’s going to be a game-changer.

I can’t wait for any of the sessions, and SourceCon is only a few days away. See you then.

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